The Flex Palace Visco mattress is a Multielástic NxT spring model, viscoelastic gel support and Stretch upholstery with the Optigrade system.
Firmness. High intelligence.
Height: 32 cm.
Velfont fiber pillow , with 100% anti-allergy cotton fabric. Acarsan® anti-mite hollow silicone fiber filling. Double-cover pillow with zipper . HAVE YOU FOUND IT CHEAPER? CALL US ON 952 000 030 or 674 552 771. WE WILL BEAT ANY QUOTE!
Complete sheet sets
Cotton Satin Sheet Set Pearl Bias 300 Threads Estelia
Satén Biés Perla 300Hilos
Satin cotton sheet set with pearl bias, mercerized and sanforized, 300 threads and 118 gr/m2. HAVE YOU FOUND IT CHEAPER? CALL US ON 952 000 030 or 674 552 771. WE WILL BEAT ANY QUOTE!
Breathable folding canapé Pikolin made of high capacity wood and 3D breathable lid hidden in the frame, recommended for any type of mattress.
Height: 31 cm.
DELIVERY, REMOVAL AND ASSEMBLY INCLUDED: If you need to remove the old bracket, please indicate this in the description.