The Flex Palace Visco mattress is a Multielástic NxT spring model, viscoelastic gel support and Stretch upholstery with the Optigrade system.
Firmness. High intelligence.
Height: 32 cm.
Kento Mashviscoelastic pillow, anti-allergic with double cover in cotton and polyester.
Filling. Viscoelastic with gel.
For sleeping. On side and face up.
Popular Mash fibre pillow, with double cover and hypoallergenic Sanitized® anti-mite, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatment.
Breathable folding canapé Pikolin made of high capacity wood and 3D breathable lid hidden in the frame, recommended for any type of mattress.
Height: 31 cm.
DELIVERY, REMOVAL AND ASSEMBLY INCLUDED: If you need to remove the old bracket, please indicate this in the description.